YEXIN MACHINERY - Specializes in rubber machinery manufacturing !

YEXIN Machinery

20 years - Best supplier
China TOP10 rubber vulcanizing technology

Cable vulcanizer

Cable vulcanizer

Cable conveyor crawler

on:From:YEXIN Machinery

Cable conveyor crawler


Using this kind of this device changes the manual transmission cable. It can save a lot of labor, improve working conditions, reduce labor intensity, improve work efficiency and ensure the safety.

DSJ-150 Technical data:

Model Type DSJ-150

Line pulling(KGS) 700

Pulling Speed(m/min) 8

Electric motor 1.1KWx2

Oversize dimension 950500400

Weight(KGS) 150

Cable diameter Φ30 - 180 mm

Transimission I=45

Rubber sheet thickness 25mm

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Cable conveyor crawler

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