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Calender System

Calender System
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Five Roller calender Line for making PVC sheet

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By our professional design of rigid PVC calendering we are able to manufacture the equipment in high quality and with long use life.

Five Rollers PVC Sheet Calender Line (Model: Φ660×1980mm)

5-rollers PVC Sheet Calender Line

Main configuration:
1. Auto-dosing and weighting system 1SET
2. 800/2000 Mixer 1SET
3. Φ200 Planetary extruder 1SET
4. Swinging conveyor belt 1SET
5. Φ660×1980 Five roller master and secondary calender unit 1SET
6. Automatic winder 1SET

Kindly send us message for much more technical configrations for your study.

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    Five Roller calender Line for making PVC sheet

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